Video Library

What is Autotekne?

Fast and reliable telemedicine for your car 2
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Fast and reliable telemedicine for your car

Get to know Autotekne the first mobile App for mechanic assistance 1
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Get to know Autotekne, the first mobile App for mechanic assistance

Autotekne Telemedicine for your vehicle 1
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Autotekne - Telemedicine for your vehicle

What types of responses can Autotekne offer?

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Emergency Services

Non Emergency Services 1
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Non Emergency Services

Intermediation in workshops
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Intermediation in workshops

Get to know real cases of use of our services

Pre trip check for Andres
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Pre-trip check for Andres

Pre VTV ITV check for Sergio
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Pre-VTV/ITV check for Sergio

Real case Control and change of lights for Melisa
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Control and change of lights for Melisa

Real case Car key assistance for Emanuel
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Car key assistance for Emanuel

Real case Wiper assistance for Wilfredo
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Wiper assistance for Wilfredo